by Don Uvick


Concord Point
Havre de Grace (1827)
This lighthouse is located a the mouth of the Susquehanna River. It is the second oldest light on the Chesapeake Bay. The tower is 43 feet tall.
Cove Point
Craighill Upper Channel
Sometimes known as the North Point or Fort Howard light, this station resides in the Chesapeake Bay near Baltimore. It is the front light of two lights on the Craighill Channel. It is an octagonal brick tower, 18 feet ind height. It was built on the foundation of the old Western North Point lighthouse.
Drum Point
Originally this lighthouse was located at the entrance to the Patuxent River near the Solomons Islands. It is of the screwpile type. It currently resides on the Calvert Marine Museum and Lighthouse grounds in Calvert County, Maryland.
Greenbury Point
Point Lookout
Scotland (1830)
The lighthouse is located at the north entrance to the Potomac River in St. Mary's City, MD. The square dwelling has a hipped roof and the lantern is positioned on the front side of the roof. There are stories told of this lighthouse being haunted by ghosts.
Sandy Point Shoal
near Chesapeake Bay bridge (1883)
This lighthouse is located in Sandy Point Shoal near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. It was initially erected as Sandy Point lighthouse on the shore on the western side of the bay in 1858. Then in 1882 a caisson 35 feet in diameter was sunk three feet into the sand and a red brick house and lantern were built on top of this foundation. It was constructed at the cost of $25,000.
Sevenfoot Knoll
Baltimore(1855) It was originally located at the mouth of the Patapsco River in the Chesapeake Bay. It was the second screwpile type of lighthouse to be built on the Chesapeake. In the 1980's the lighthouse was moved to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, near the Baltimore Aquarium.
Thomas Point Shoal
You can get the current weather report at the lighthouse.
white lighthouse across grassless yard Turkey Point
Elk Neck State Park (1833)
This lighthouse is located at the head of the Chesapeake Bay. It has a special place in the history of lighthouses with the claim of having the last of the lady lighthouse keepers on the Chesapeake: Fannie Salter. She retired as keeper of the Light in 1947

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